We started setting up and creating a Bible study magazine Selah. This idea was created to encourage believers on the islands of Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire with beautiful articles and Bible studies. In this way they grow in their knowledge and faith. The challenge lies in the different languages spoken on the islands. These are English, Spanish, Dut...

Bible study magazine Selah
07 February 2024
Evangelize with us!
10 January 2020
Evangelization in the Netherlands? Is that even necessary, you might think? After all, the Netherlands is a Christian country isn’t it?! Isn’t evangelisation a necessity for people abroad?The Netherlands has been a Christian country. However, the Netherlands has become a mission field over the last couple of years for 3 reasons:The Netherlands is...
Our first official office
31 October 2009
After starting our foundation earlier this year, we have been working hard on our first official office. Here is the result!
Establishment of our foundation Wereld Evangelisatie Nederland
18 March 2009
Today, March 18, 2009, is the day that our foundation was officially established.Our goal is to share the gospel with others in as many areas as possible.