Tijdelijke steunactie!
Steun ons door een T-shirt of Hoodie te kopen en deze af te halen op het Amazing Grace Festival in Onstwedde (Groningen) van 6 t/m 9 juni! De online voorverkoop duurt tot 1 mei, dus wees er op tijd bij!
Artikelen bestellenHow you can support us
The most important way to support us is through prayer. In addition, as a foundation we are financially entirely dependent on donations we receive. We will elaborate on both points later on this page. If you want to make a donation for a specific purpose, you can state this as a description in your transfer.
Our foundation has an ANBI status. This means that your gifts are deductible from your income tax (applicable to people living in the Netherlands).

The most important way of support is to pray for the work for which we are called. By seeking the Lord and to ask for His indispensable blessing on the work we do. That the word will be embraced in the hearts of the people and that it will spread further. 2 Thess. 3:1
It is extremely important that the workers live and walk under obedience to the word of God. Prayer is needed for this and that is the first possibility to support us! Hebr.13:18
Pray for us that we may continue to walk in God's ways. 1 Thess. 5:25
In addition to your prayer, we depend entirely on the donations we receive to obey the command which the Lord Jesus commissioned to every believer. Matt:28:19
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.
We believe that the "great commission" is for every believer: on the one hand, those who lay down their lives to go forth and save those who are seized to death and stagger to the slaughter. Spr 24:11 On the other hand, for those who, for whatever reason, have not laid down their lives to go out. It is up to them to support the missionaries with great responsibility. Together, under the authority of the Lord Jesus, they form the lifeline to save people from eternal judgment. Hebr. 9:27
Several Principles
- We make all need of this ministry known in the belief and expectation that God will give us exactly what is needed to do what He asks of us. Phil. 4: 6; Matt. 6: 31-33
- We do not "compete" with other Bible believing organizations and their work fields. We do want to join forces when the situation arises, in order to bear more fruit for our Savior. We are prepared to sacrifice our goals and resources when it will help other mission projects.
- The people who are full-time ministry employed; their wages are worthy for their labor. Luc. 10:7; Matt. 10:10 The workers will receive enough resources to live. Will be given enough to get through to glorify their living God, and no more than necessary, so that one cannot lapse into an exuberant way of living.
- We do not measure the success of this ministry to how much money is coming in, how many Bibles we distribute, how many projects are running or how many workers we send out, but only by the blessing of the Lord on our work.
- Our goal is not to raise ourselves or to enjoy fame and thereby be a key figure in the great commission, but -with the grace of God-to be faithful and obedient servants. Our only vision is the crucified, risen and glorified Christ! Luc. 14:11; 2 Cor 4:5; 1 Cor 2:2; 1 Cor 1:23